Crown Lengthening

Professional Crown Lengthening in Greensboro, NC

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Are you unsatisfied because only a small portion of teeth shows when you smile? Not to worry, because there is a surgical procedure that can give you the gorgeous smile you always dreamed of. Norman & Gill Dentistry offers professional crown lengthening in Greensboro, NC, and it might just be the right solution for you.

Enhance Your Tooth Structure

Patients who have uneven teeth or a “gummy smile” may benefit from crown lengthening. Even though the length and position of your teeth are correct, they may look uneven or short because of excessive gum tissue covering them. Crown lengthening is a surgical procedure in which the gum line surrounding a tooth is adjusted to reveal more of the tooth’s structure.

The amount of gum tissue that needs to be removed will vary depending on a variety of factors, including your smile line, lip position, and the number of teeth involved. To reveal more of the tooth that is visible when you smile, the gum tissue is either removed (gingivectomy) or relocated (with the removal of a tiny bit of bone). Next, the gum line is uniformly shaped to create your new smile.

The Crown Lengthening Process

At Norman & Gill Dentistry, we offer crown lengthening in Greensboro, NC, to help patients achieve a broader smile. A crown lengthening procedure takes place during an outpatient appointment. This means you can go home right after the surgery.

Before the procedure, our periodontist will give you a local anesthetic to numb the surgical area. Then, the dentist cuts the gums to remove them away from the teeth, revealing the roots and bone. The surgical area will be cleaned with salt water before stitching. The dentist will sew the gums back together, sometimes placing a gauze over the area for protection.

With local anesthesia, you will feel little to no discomfort while our dentist cuts the gum to expose more tooth structure. However, you will feel some discomfort after the local anesthesia wears off, so our dentist may prescribe you pain medicines and a specialized mouthwash to help your gums heal.

Following the surgery, you may have bleeding at the surgical site and feel temperature sensitivity in your teeth. With time, the sensitivity will lessen. Make sure to follow all postoperative care instructions that the dentist will provide to prevent infection.

Effective Crown Lengthening in Greensboro, NC

Aside from aesthetic purposes, dentists may also perform crown lengthening to aid in some restorative treatments. Exposing more tooth structure will help place restorations like dental crowns or bridges. It also helps if a decayed part of the tooth is below the gumline and difficult to treat and place dental fillings. Our dentist at Norman & Gill will advise you when a crown lengthening is required.

Call us today at (336) 282 2120 to book your appointment or to learn more.