Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Expert Wisdom Teeth Extractions in Greensboro, NC

xray wisdom teeth

Do you suffer from pain from a third set of molars? These are called wisdom teeth and our dentists at Norman & Gill frequently advise their extraction to prevent further issues from arising. We offer professional wisdom teeth extraction in Greensboro, NC.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Your wisdom teeth are the third set of molars situated far back in your mouth. They usually erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Scientists believe wisdom teeth to be vestigial structures or non-essential parts of the human body. For our ancestors to chew and crush raw meat, nuts, roots, and leaves they needed these teeth.

These days, we eat more cooked food and chop it into smaller pieces with knives and forks. As a result, we no longer need wisdom teeth.

Comfortable and Precise Procedures

Wisdom teeth extractions are a common oral surgery procedure. Dentists may recommend it to preserve your dental health and protect your other teeth from future issues. You need your wisdom teeth removed if they are impacted (have not erupted properly and are trapped inside your gums) or have erupted asymmetrically or crookedly.

You may also need wisdom teeth extractions if your 3rd molars are causing pain, have cavities, or contain a cyst (fluid-filled sac) around them. If you have a gum problem near or around a wisdom tooth, your dentist may also recommend to remove it.

Dentists at Norman & Gill Dentistry usually recommend wisdom teeth extractions in Greensboro, NC as a preventive measure. Hence, we may recommend having your wisdom teeth pulled even if you don’t have any symptoms yet.

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Process

During your initial consultation, our dentists will inspect your wisdom teeth and dental X-rays will be taken. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose to have a general anesthetic, IV (intravenous, or through your vein) sedation, laughing gas (nitrous oxide), or local anesthetic. Here at Norman & Gill Dentistry, we can provide nitrous oxide and local anesthetic to make you comfortable. 

Once you are comfortable and the gums have been prepped, your wisdom teeth will be loosened and carefully taken out of their sockets. It may occasionally be necessary to cut the wisdom tooth into smaller pieces to remove it more easily. The dentist will clean the area and, if needed, place stitches after the teeth are extracted entirely. A typical procedure for wisdom teeth extractions takes an hour or so depending on how impacted they are.

Comfortable Wisdom Teeth Removal

After the procedure, you should expect some minor soreness and bleeding. Don’t worry because our dentist will give you aftercare instructions and pain prescriptions. Make sure to take some time off and avoid rigorous work to allow the wound to fully heal.

Call us today at (336) 282 2120 to book your appointment or to learn more.